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Faculty of Social Sciences and Media

Based on the decision of his excellency the president of University of Jeddah No. ( 1152-05-40 ) dated 6/6/1440, the College of Arts and Humanities in Al - Faisaliah was converted into a college called ( College of Social Sciences ) , which came based on the letter of his excellency the minister of Education No. ( 44853 ) dated 21/3/1440, approving the redevelopment and restructuring of a number of the university's faculties , including ( Faculty of Social Sciences ) Based on the comprehensive academic structure at Jeddah University , the faculty of Communication and Media was merged into the faculty of Social Sciences , to be amended to become ( Faculty of Social Sciences and Media ) in accordance with resolution No. ( 0500515/45 ) dated ( 18/3/1445) corresponding to ( 3/10/2023) it includes the following scientific departments:

  1. Department of History and Archaeology
  2. Department of Psychology
  3. Department of Communication and Media Technology

 The college seeks to achieve academic and research objectives that contribute to the enhancement and development of the knowledge and skills among male and female students in the various fields of social sciences and media in order to meet the requirements of the labor market in line with the ambitious vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ( 2030 ).

 The faculty is launched through the vision of University of Jeddah ( the first choice for future leaders ) and through its mission that aims to be a leading national university in education , research and innovation , by adopting future specializations and skills , to prepare a generation of scientists and leaders who contribute to the development of the economy and society. The faculty is also keen to achieve strategic objectives through its various academic programs, which rely on knowledge and skill and create a work environment that stimulates innovation and creativity.

 In addition to developing academic programs, supporting the field of scientific research and publishing , and developing creative and pioneering skills , which aim to activate and develop the knowledge economy and social innovation , and enhance community service through community partnerships in the field of specialization , which contribute to supporting and highlighting the university's status locally and internationally.

Number of teaching staff members
Number of male and female students
Number of members of the administrative body
Number of graduates

    Academic Programs

    Tourism Guidance Diploma Program
    Bachelor’s degree
    History and archaeology
    Psychology programme
    Communication and Media Technology Program
    Postgraduate Studies
    Mental health
    About the Programs
    Conditions for admission to the program
    Professional certificates
    Course description
    Employment ratio
    Study Plan
    Program performance indicators

    Research and Innovation

    Ottoman diplomacy and reception ceremonies for ambassadors during the reign of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent (926 AH - 973 AH / 1520 AD - 1566 AD)
    01 Jan 2020
    احتاجت الشعوب منذ القدم إلى التواصل فيما بينها, و الاستجابة لمتطلبات الحياة في الاستقرار السياسي و لذلك لجأت إلى تحقيق ذلك عن طريق ارسال الرسل و المبعوثين و هذا هو بداية ما عُرف فيما بعد بالدبلوماسية الحديثة و ظهور السفراء الذين تولوا هذه المهمة.والدولة العثمانية حظيت بعلاقات سياسية عديدة في الشرق والغرب و لذلك توجب عليها أن تتجه نحو الجانب الدبلوماسي من اجل توثيق هذه العلاقات و الاستفادة منها في الجانب السياسي والاقتصادي و إظهار هيبة الدولة العثمانية، وتجاوز الازمات التي تعرضت لها . و برزت اهمية هذه العلاقات الدبلوماسية في عهد السلطان سليمان القانوني (926هـ - 973هـ / 1520م – 1566م) وهو العصر الذهبي للدولة العثمانية, وبدأت الدول بإرسال السفراء و البعثات الدبلوماسية الى استانبول ، وحظيت هذه السفارات باهتمام كبير في البلاط العثماني ، وصاحب ذلك اقامة مراسم استقبال تناسب قدوم السفراء وتعكس اهتمام السلطان ورجال الدولة بهذا الامر وفق قواعد دبلوماسية محددة
    Sheikh Muhammad Kamil Al-Qassab and his role in the Saudi scientific renaissance
    27 May 2021
    ولد الشيخ محمد كامل القصاب في دمشق عام 1290 هـ / 1873م، وذلك خلال الحكم العثماني لبلاد الشام، انشغل بالعلم منذ صغر سنه و ظل منصرفاً إليه فبرع في علوم الدين و اللغة ، و كانت بدايته العلمية في كتاتيب دمشق.
    Chinese Presence in Tanzania and Its Results: A Documentary Study
    19 Apr 2019
    تمتاز القارة الأفريقية بموقع جغرافي مهم جعلها تکون محط أنظار الدول الکبرى حيث أنها تتوسط الممرات الملاحية بين القارات وتطل على مضائق وقنوات هامة، کما أنها همزة وصل بين قارات العالم وتقوم بدور هام في المجالات الاقتصادية والامنية والثقافية ، وهي کذلک سوقا تجارية ضخمة للصادرات والواردات واستثمار رؤوس الاموال . وبسبب کبر مساحتها أصبحت تمتلک العديد من الثروات الطبيعية فهي تمتلک احتياطي من الذهب يقدر بحوالي50%من اجمالي احتياطي العالم وفيما يخص مجال الطاقة تحوي القارة 8%من الاحتياطي العالمي من البترول والغاز الطبيعي و 6%من الفحم و28%من اليورانيوم و33%من الطاقة الکهرومائية وتعتمد على الزراعة التي تمثل نسبتها 61%من نشاط السکان العاملين حيث تقدر بـ 20%من الناتج الداخلي الخام للقار
    Ottoman diplomacy and reception ceremonies for ambassadors during the reign of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent (926 AH - 973 AH / 1520 AD - 1566 AD)
    01 Jan 2020
    Sheikh Muhammad Kamil Al-Qassab and his role in the Saudi scientific renaissance
    27 May 2021
    Chinese Presence in Tanzania and Its Results: A Documentary Study
    19 Apr 2019

    We Are Proud Of

    A student from the College of Social Sciences, Rona Raafat Babunji, won second place in the Arts category of the Tourism Promotion Department for her film "South of the Kingdom" at the Third Cultural and Scientific Forum for Female Students of the University and Higher Education Institutions of the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries, held on November 8-6, 2022, corresponding to 4-14/1444 AH, hosted graciously by Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University.
    Rona Raafat Babunji
    Second place win in the Arts category - Tourism Promotion Department
    Dr. Hasna Shuwail Al-Ghamdi, a faculty member from the Department of History and Archaeology, received the Excellence Medal and the certificate for Best Arab Personality in the Scientific Field from the Egyptian Centre for Political, Economic, Legal, and Social Studies.
    Dr. Hasna Shuwail Al-Ghamdi
    A faculty member from the Department of History and Archaeology,
    Honoring student Amina Talal Al-Aloani, the Ambassador of the College of Social Sciences, for her participation in the Jeddah University Ambassador Competition during the closing ceremony of the Deanship of Student Affairs on Monday, 16/11/1444 AH, at the Conference Centre at Jeddah University.
    Amina Talal Al-Aloani
    The Ambassador of the College of Social Sciences
    Dr. Ridwan Al-Amari, a faculty member from the Department of Psychology, has been awarded the Bronze Medal at the Thailand International Exhibition of Inventions and Innovations for his invention of a device that helps reduce chosen noise using brain waves with artificial intelligence to assist with sleep. This invention also received international awards, including a Gold Medal.
    Dr. Ridwan Al-Amari
    A faculty member from the Department of Psychology
    The College of Social Sciences is proud to announce that graduate Yazan Ali Nahhas has achieved first place in the male section. We wish him further success and excellence
    Yazan Ali Nahhas
    Congratulations to Yazan Ali Hussein Nahhas for being the top student in the College of Social Sciences - Male Section
    Congratulations to the student Abdulrahman Al-Ghamdi on being selected as the Media Ambassador for the Saudi Forum, Department of Communication and Media Technology
    Student/ Abdul Rahman Al-Ghamdi
    Department of Communication and Media Technology
    Dr. Hasna Shuwail Al-Ghamdi, a faculty member from the Department of History and Archaeology, received the Excellence Medal and the certificate for Best Arab Personality in the Scientific Field from the Egyptian Centre for Political, Economic, Legal, and Social Studies.
    Dr. Hasna Shuwail Al-Ghamdi
    A faculty member from the Department of History and Archaeology,